Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Our twenty week scan

So, here is baby Hills (team yellow) at our twenty week scan. It was a great experience and quite a long one as the little one decided to be in a deep sleep to start with and wouldn't move for the sonographer.

So one chocolate bar and a big bottle of ribena later the baby was plenty wiggling! Some lovely moments, to start with the baby had its head nestled in its hands and gave us a big yawn (so sweet and long may it carry on).

Really happy with this photo, think the face is so great but it appears the baby is taking after its daddy as its head is measuring 1 week ahead of it's suggested date....

Oh well..... that's what gas and air is for!

More belly shots...

More belly shots.....

This is 17 weeks...

This is 18 weeks...
This is 19 weeks.. (Think I may have eaten more pies last week........)

Friday, 26 March 2010

Food Blogs

I also have a passion for food and therefore spend a lot of time looking up new recipies and things to make my tastebuds dream.

I'll be sharing with you a few of my favourite sites so that you too can eat too many yummy things and make too much mess in your kitchens!

Internet Crafty Goodness

I love the internet for being able to find just about anything and help a girl who normally has no inspiration, have some inspiration!

I love to think of myself as a crafter but generally have to pilf from others to have a good idea. So when I saw this blanket, I was on a mission....

Although she appears to not currently have an internet home, this blanket is property of 'milklush' and I think it is pretty lush. So, I'm making my own, although I can tell you it's not shaping up to look quite like this, but I'll give it a go, and let you know when I'm done!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

So here come the obligatory belly shots...

Well I have a few to catch up with here but James has been taking pictures of ma baby bump pretty much every week for the last few weeks. It is very cool to see the ol belly expanding especially as I seem to be getting used to it and am never convinced it grows! So here are the first couple of pics! More to follow

 This is me at 14 weeks (taken at home).

This is me at 16 weeks, taken in our hotel room in new York!

A new start to blogging

I have blogged once before and to be honest soon grew tired with it. But, now that there is a little Hills on the way I thought I should resurrect it, even if it is just for nanna's and grandad's to keep up to date with the little one.

So here begins a mele (typo? who knows) of random pictures, thoughts and updates.
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