Friday, 23 April 2010

Baby Buys so far

So, recently I have turned into a bit of an Ebayaholic... and this had resulted in some great buys. It has also meant a fair few trips to the post office to redeem my product with their little red 'you weren't in' vouchers! (Which on a totally different note, i'm convinced is a conspiracy...I've sat in the lounge before and still managed to get one of those through my door)

Anyhoo, these have been my purchases so far

Now, don't be getting excited... the only reason I got it in pink was because it was cheap! Let's say if a little boy Hills pops out he's either gonna have to be butch or I'm gonna have to get creative with the ol fabric :) It also came with a wooden rocking frame.

Now, this I think is pretty funky. Not only is it a sleeping bag but it is a travel sleeping bag.. meaning you can thread a 5 point harness through the middle.... meaning that you can get your baby out of car seat and put straight to bed already in it's jarmies....

Many thanks to this random lady who is modelling another of my buys... the Moby wrap in Indigo... I got to looking at these after Alice (Crumbs) started talking about baby carriers. They look really great and funnily enough I have to go and pick it up from the post office later (redeeming yet another red voucher!) (and yes... I was in the house!!! rrr)

Finally, from Ebay, I got this grobag swaddling fabric for 0-3 months...I still have mixed views about swaddling but again, for the price I thought it would probably be a go-er!

Anyhoo.... in total, these items should have RRP'd £114 and I paid the grand total of £59... I love Ebay :)

As a side note I also found in Boots the cutest little red gilet for 3-6 months...supposed to be £10, only £3. Barginous and just the cutest thing!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about trying our moby wrap! I've been too big to really practice with it, but it has excellent reviews.

    Friends have SWORN that swaddling has helped their babies sleep through - anything that helps is worth it, eh?!

    Grobags are the BEST! Check out ikea for sweet ones.

    You've got some fab stuff - isn't it exciting when you can actually start buying things?!!!


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