So, I'm 36 weeks pregnant now... a date I wasn't sure I would ever get to, with me coming earlier than this! Back up in Preston for 36 week check today....
Blood pressure has been a little up and so I have been monitored down south a few times... and looking at the BP I took this morning I could well be being monitored this afternoon as well.... oh dear!
Baby very active, has found my ribs and had a heartrate of up to 198 when monitored the other day.... just like mummy!!
Anyway, no photo as yet... this is my 35 week one..
Feeling lardy.... oh and one more purchase this week... a man bag! Well, a changing bag that's supposed to be cool for guys... and I like it, lots of pockets!
So, there we go, I'll let you know about the blood pressure!
Hope the check went ok and all is well? xxx