Thursday, 19 August 2010

He's here

My beautiful baby boy Nathaniel William James Hills is here..... finally.

I know.... mummy's are biased but I think he is a stunner of epic proportions. 

Just to say I was induced, has 3 lots of induction agents, finally waters went at 2 in the morning, started contracting like the billy-o, went from 1cm to 9cm in 5 hours, finally got up to delivery suite and then spent 4 1/2 hours pushing. He still couldn't quite get out  (by about 2-3cm lazy tyke) so had a drip to intensify contractions (if that was even possible) and after another 45 minutes had a forceps delivery with a 3rd degree tear thrown in for good measure. All of which was done with gas, air and stubborness.

8lbs 9oz, 52cm long

So worth it tho :)

1 comment:

  1. I am astonished by what you have achieved. Honestly, I cannot believe you coped with all of that, you poor thing. I'm so sorry the pushing was as long as the build up - that's simply horrendous. BUT you're able to see the positive which is amazing to hear. I hope you're taking it as easy as possible (not possible, I know) and healing up well.

    He is gorgeous - worth all your hard work and the stress of the last weeks. Life will get steadily better as he gets steadily bigger. We're praying for you guys. Love you xxxxxxxx


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